Volunteering is an excellent way to show potential employers that you have the initiative needed to work for them. Prospective employers see that you’re highly motivated to improve your community, and you create long-lasting connections. Volunteering helps you gain the soft skills that you need to achieve success in your career.
When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to practice your communication skills, both nonverbal and verbal. The activities that you do will range, you could cold-call potential volunteers, email locations for fundraising activities, or lead events. The more you practice your skills, the easier it is to meet and interact with others professionally. Volunteer activities get you out of your comfort zone and allow you to talk to people you would never have if you had stayed at home. It gives you the chance to see people from different walks of life.
If you are put on a committee that is set to solve a problem, that is more experience solving problems that you may never experience. You gain the opportunity to see different perspectives on the issue. If you think you have the best solution, you learn how to debate your points and learn how to persuade others to your side.
While you are typically trained by the volunteer organization that you are working with, that doesn’t always mean that you are prepared for everything that comes your way during the day. At times you may end up needing to think on your feet to help a patron. Being able to think fast, will help you when you work in fast-paced environments. Volunteering teaches you about conflict and how to handle others in that situation.
Being A Team Player
As a volunteer, you are going to be a part of something bigger. Being able to gain experience working in larger groups is going to assist you significantly for when you have to work on a team. This also gives you experience becoming the leader of a group or acting like one. Not many are naturally talented in leading others. For many, they need experience leading before they can become great leaders.
Without strong dedication and work ethic many that start volunteering quit right away. If you persevere, know that what you’re doing is going to help you become a well-rounded worker. Volunteering is the chance to improve your soft skills without doing it at your place of employment. The best part of doing it though is that you help others in your community in their time of need.